Authentic Movement

Entering The Body


                       Not knowing is most intimate.   Chinese Koan by Ti-ts’ang

Authentic Movement is a discipline involving a mover, a witness, and their relationship. The mover, with eyes closed, moves in response to body-felt sensations, emotions, movement impulses, and or images. The witness observes the mover from a a place of non-judgement and non-interpretation. The focus of the witness is to experience the movers movement, much like observing nature. Sensitive tracking by the witness provides containment and clear attention for the mover. The alert non-interpretive attention of the witness is essential in creating a container where the mover’s experience is allowed to deepen and unfold. The witness benefits in immeasurable ways as well, in that the witness cultivates presence as a lens for seeing, without necessarily naming the content.  Not naming is an aspect of contemplative work. 

Rates:  Group: $20 to $40 based on group size / Private: $50 to $80 session, sliding sc